Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Different types of muscle pain

For some people muscle aches and pains can be quite common, sports, physically demanding work and over stretching are a few of the causes. The pain can occur in the tendons, ligaments and the soft tissues that connect muscle to bone. Muscle pain from sports/activity and physically demanding work are usually referred to as a strained or pulled muscle where the cause is fairly obvious.

Another type of muscle pain occurs when starting a new form of exercise or increasing the duration/intensity of an existing exercise program. Lots of people (myself included) have thought " OK, time to get in shape. I'll use that gym in town, plenty of machines and try to get fit again ". You go down, do your exercise and feel great, until the next day when you're as stiff as a board. This can last for a couple of days and is usually pretty uncomfortable, but its a natural response from exerting yourself more than usual. This muscle pain is the process your body undergoes which leads to greater stamina and strength as the muscles recover and rebuild.

This type of muscle pain is different from the pain of a strain/pulled muscle caused by injury which is usually very acute and often leads to swelling or bruising.

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